Meetup Krakow

Meetup Krakow

Besides its importance as an industrial and scientific location, Krakow is also Poland's most important cultural centre. Here numerous new ideas and trend-setting projects arise - the perfect place for a europX meetup.

On europX meetups people come together to exchange ideas, projects and learnings. The aim is to get in contact with each other and to build a base for working together. A europX meetup is a local gathering where ideas are shared with the community. europX meetups are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.




  • Michał Dydycz
    Michał Dydycz

    Head of Polish Pirate Party (

    Topic: "Digital Identity - Liquid Democracy"

  • Jakub Kocikowski
    Jakub Kocikowski

    Cofounder (

    Topic: "The role of sharing economy in strengthening the community"

  • Michał Adamczyk
    Michał Adamczyk

    Chief Executive Officer (

    Topic: "tba"

Date and location

25.10.2018, 18.00-21.00

Tu Popracujesz
(ulica Cystersów 20A, 31-553 Kraków)

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